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Here Is A Guide To Heart Diseases And Your Treatment

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart Disease is a progressive inflammatory driven process in which the arteries surrounding the heart, the coronary arteries, become blocked by atherosclerotic plaque which over time can develop into myocardial infarction (heart attack). There are other types of heart disease including heart arrythmias, heart failure, aortic stenosis. For peak metabolism inquiries we support patients with Coronary heart disease, arrythmias and heart failure.


Chest Pain
Heart Palpitations
Arm /Jaw / Back Pain
Swollen Ankles

If you have any of these symptoms we recommend you get evaluated by a medical doctor to confirm diagnosis.

What Are The Causes Of Heart Disease?

Cardiovascular disease is a process, reflecting a multitude of factors which contribute to its development and progression. What is it not caused by is high cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. Even the researcher who blamed cholesterol initially amended his opinion to say “The evidence – both from experiments and from field surveys – indicates that cholesterol content, per se, of all natural diets has no significant effect on either the cholesterol level or the development of atherosclerosis in man” Ancel Keys 1956.

Arterial plaques are remnants of micro-blood clots which have built up over time, and they’re made up of fibrin, platelets, macrophages, red blood cells, lipo(a) and cholesterol crystals (coming from red blood cells, not LDL). Repeated thrombus (clot) formation causes plaque growth. This research was identified 40 years ago, but was never discussed amongst medical researchers. Dr Malcolm Kendrick in his recent publication the Clot Thickens presents all the research.

The causes of heart disease | Peak Metabolism Hong Kong

The protocol for identifying the causes is to conduct a deep dive into the health history, past medical tests and suggestions for further evaluations. This will customize the treatment protocol for the patient. A plaque will develop if:

  • There is an increased rate of endothelial damage
  • The new blood clot is bigger and more difficult to break down.
  • The endothelial repair systems are impaired in some way.

Its All About The Glycocalyx And Endothelial Function

As a result of these multitude of causes, the glycocalyx and endothelial lining on the surface of arteries are damaged and microclots begin to form. Unless stopped and repaired, repeated damage occurs at the site of injury and atherosclerosis begins.

The Misconception of High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels may hint at a greater risk of heart disease and strokes, but it’s not just about your total cholesterol or “LDL” levels; there is a lot more to explore beneath the surface. If your cholesterol is high but you have low triglycerides and high HDL (which is considered good cholesterol), that’s actually a positive sign.

Our interactive high cholesterol questionnaire has the power to unveil a comprehensive picture of your cholesterol health. Our professionals take into the account essential factors like lipo(a), oxidised cholesterol, inflammation, and small LDL particles when discussing cholesterol levels with you. Take the first step by gaining insight into potential health risks of high cholesterol today.

How can Functional Medicine Help?

The objective of all patients is to get better, feel happier and healthier. The question is would patients like their disease ‘managed’ with medications which stabilises their condition, with risks associated with further progression, or would patients like to reverse their condition.

Functional medicine infographics

Heart Disease is a complex condition with many contributing causes. Research is now showing that having low cholesterol doesn’t automatically protect you from heart disease.

The functional medicine approach aims to identify each of the potential risks associated with heart disease. This is not only looking at cholesterol and all the possible forms of cholesterol, but also markers of inflammation, oxidation, nutrient deficiencies, infections, toxicities and probably the most important metabolic risk factors (insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia). Addressing each of the risk factors with lifestyle change and customised supplemental interventions will lower your risk of heart disease.

Mediterranean vs Keto?

The Mediterranean diet has long been celebrated as a heart-healthy diet, and its effectiveness in preventing heart disease is widely acknowledged. However, emerging evidence suggests that a lower-carb diet, commonly known as the Keto diet, can also offer comparable benefits.

Both diets have shown promising results in promoting heart health, but it’s important to remember that individual needs and preferences vary. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalised guidance to determine if the Keto diet is a suitable choice for you.

Your journey toward better health begins now

  • A free 15-min initial assessment conducted by one of our functional medicine doctors or practitioners.
  • Review full-health history, current symptoms, lifestyle practices, medication and laboratory reports.
  • You’ll receive a customised diet and supplement plan, and epending on your condition we’ll optimise your hormones, improve your gut function, detox your body gently and give you specific life hacks to play with to feel great.

Life Changing Programs

Like any new experience or venture, you need guidance, you need that little reminder or encouragement that you’re doing the right thing. We have different packages according to your time commitments and availability. Our coaching packages are for 1, 3 or 6 months and are set up to provide continuous support where needed by our functional medicine coaches supported by our Doctors and practitioners.

Metabolic & Annual Testing Packages

How’s your metabolism? Get tested and find out, with either our core or comprehensive packages. (For Hong Kong residents only). For international inquiries, check-in with us and we can advise what best panel tests to ask your local doctor to check for.

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