Unravel the Underlying Triggers of Psoriasis

For years, psoriasis has been primarily seen as a mere skin condition. But the truth? It’s more than just skin deep.

In fact, many individuals with psoriasis often have other associated conditions. To gain a full understanding of your psoriasis and its triggers, it’s essential to consider factors like:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Environmental triggers
  • Immune system imbalances
  • Genetic factors and family history
  • Stress and its impact on skin health
  • Underlying infections or medication side effects

At Peak Metabolism, we recognize that psoriasis is influenced by a combination of internal and external factors, and simply focusing on topical treatments can be limiting. That’s why we adopt a holistic approach, utilizing advanced diagnostic techniques to ascertain the root causes and offer tailored care.

Why Peak Metabolism?

Peak Metabolism is Asia’s first certified clinic in functional medicine with the Institute of Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine University.

Our expert practitioners find the answers to your skin problems, clinically, and provide personalised treatment plans which are effective.

Our approach is rooted in the principles of functional medicine:

  1. Personalized Care: Every stomach is unique, and so is its story. We tailor our treatments based on individual health histories, ensuring that care is personalized and effective.
  2. Root-Cause Analysis: Instead of just treating symptoms, we delve deep to understand the core issues, be it immune system dysregulation, skin barrier defects, or genetic predispositions.
  3. Empowered Healing: Our goal isn’t just to treat but to empower. With Peak Metabolism, patients embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, understanding their bodies better and becoming active participants in their health journey.

Discover a comprehensive approach to skin health that goes beyond traditional metrics. Welcome to the future of gastroenteritis prevention and treatment, right here in Hong Kong.

How We Work

Discovery Session

  • Initial assessment to understand your health history

  • Review past medical reports

  • Identify any predisposing conditions

Testing Panels

  • Food sensitivity

  • Gut health

  • Nutrient deficiency testing

Review of Test Results

  • Determine the cause of your psoriasis

  • Implement the healing protocol to cure your condition

  • An outcome that holistically improves your entire health, not just addressing the disease

Accreditations & Affiliations

We’re recognized by leading institutions, ensuring that you’re in safe and knowledgeable hands.

A word from our founder

Functional medicine expert Miles Price, founder of Peak Metabolism, has vast experience working with hundreds of psoriasis patients in Hong Kong.

“Psoriasis is a very common skin condition. Considered an autoimmune disease, it is sometimes a complex condition with many root causes. When you identify the root cause by appropriate testing and evaluation and remedy the situation, you can heal from this skin condition safely. Taking a functional medicine approach will give you long-lasting relief.”

Miles Price

Receive a Free 15 Minute Discovery Session

Fill out the booking calendar below to schedule your complimentary 15 minute discovery session to learn how functional medicine can heal psoriasis and improve your overall health.

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